Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

424 - Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering

28818 - Electronic Technology I

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
28818 - Electronic Technology I
Faculty / School:
175 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de La Almunia
424 - Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:
This subject, Electronics Technology I, is conceived as a set of contents divided into four main parts. The first part gathers basic concepts of Electronics, which maybe students have already acquired in other subjects. The second and third parts form the core of the subject. The final block, meet other interesting complementary skills to complete training in Analog Electronics.
The first three blocks will be developed under three fundamental and complementary ways: the theoretical concepts of each teaching unit, solving problems or issues, and laboratory practices, supported in turn by another series of activities such as tutorials and seminars and will be tested, independent for each of the theory parts.
The fourth block will have a different treatment, as a group work previously assigned. Students may have and express their own  preferences, but all topics will be assigned. They will prepare presentation materials and defend their work with a public exhibition, which will be valued by the other students and the teacher.

Strong interaction between the teacher/student. This interaction is brought into being through a division of work and responsibilities between the students and the teacher. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that, to a certain degree, students can set their learning pace based on their own needs and availability, following the guidelines set by the teacher.

The organization of teaching will be carried out using the following steps:

Theory Classes: Theoretical activities carried out mainly through exposition by the teacher, where the theoretical supports of the subject are displayed, highlighting the fundamental, structuring them in topics and or sections, interrelating them.

Practical Classes: The teacher resolves practical problems or cases for demonstrative purposes. This type of teaching complements the theory shown in the lectures with practical aspects.

Seminars: The total group of theory classes or practical classes may be (or not) divided into smaller groups, if neccesary. They were employed to analyze cases, solving cases, solving problems, etc. Unlike what happens with the practical classes, the teacher is not the protagonist, merely to listen, serve, guide, clarify or evaluate. It seeks to encourage student participation and try to facilitate continuous evaluation of students and meet learning achievement.

Laboratory Workshop: The lecture group is divided up into various groups, according to the number of registered students, but never with more than 20 students, in order to make up smaller sized groups.Students will complete assemblies, measurements, simulations, etc. in laboratory, in the presence of the teacher. The practices will be carried out in groups of two (or three if neccessary) students per session, although reports can be grouped students from two or more sessions. For each part laboratory practices, a guidance of practical tasks (compulsory and optional) will be delivered; the reporting rules will also be specified in a policy paper at the beginning of practical activities. Three times during the semester, students should defend their laboratory work by showing the corresponding practical work and answering some questions from the teacher.
Group Tutorials: Scheduled tracking learning activities, in which the teacher meets with a group of students, in order to guide their autonomous learning work and to track that jobs which require a high degree of advice from the teacher.
Individual Tutorials: Those carried out giving individual, personalized attention with the teacher of the subject or another teacher from the department. Said tutorials may be in person or online.

5.3. Syllabus


Contents of the  subject for obtaining essential learning outcomes.

Theoretical contents:
The theoretical contents are articulated on four blocks (numbers 1-4), sometimes preceded by a block 0 of Introduction to Electronic Technology. The choice of the contents of each part was made by seeking the clarification of the final objective, so that by the union of the adquired knowledge, the student must obtain a structured, easily assimilable for Mechatronics Engineers knowledge.
Each of the blocks consists of different topics, with a temporary assignment of one or two weeks of the course. These topics collect the contents needed to the acquisition of learning outcomes, according to the following relationship:
1. Passive electronic components
• Resistors, capacitors, inductors
• Manufacturing and identification
2. Active components: semiconductors and diodes
• Semiconductor materials
• Diodes. Types. Crystals. Symbols
• Operation graphs. Identification

3. Active components: Transistors
• Unipolar and Bipolar Transistors
• Crystal structures. Symbols
• Operation graphs. Identification

4. Circuits with diodes
• Rectifiers (and filters)
• Regulators (Zener)

• Other diodes and applications

5. BJT.

• Characteristics

• Polarization
• AC circuit
• Small signal equivalent

6. FET
• Characteristics

• Polarization

• Application of FET. MOSFET. JFET. IGFET.


7. Amplification and voltage Operational Amplifiers

• Types of amplification. Models
• Key features
• Output stages
• Feedback

• Symbols and internal structure
• Input and output circuits
• Key features
9. Basic Linear applications with Operational Amplifiers
• Simple Amplifiers
• Amplifiers simple operations
• Amplifiers complex operations
• Active filters
10. Nonlinear and Switching Circuits Operational Amplifiers
• Precision Rectifiers
• Voltage comparators
• Timers
• Oscillators

11. INA and Bi-FET
• Applications for industrial probes: temperature, speed, ...
• Electro-medical applications: biological probes ...
• Audio-frequency applications: sound level meters, vibration, ...
12.- IC 555 timer
• IC study
• Monostable applications
• Astable applications
13. Operational Transconductance Amplifiers
• Study of integrated circuits
• Linear applications
• Nonlinear Applications
14. Operational Transresistance Amplifiers
• Study of integrated circuits
• Linear applications
• Nonlinear Applications
Practical contents:
Each exposed in the previous section, block has associated practical exercises about through practical cases and / or work, leading to the obtaining of results and their analysis and interpretation physical or simulated assembly.
While topics are developed, laboratory practices will be perposed, mainly through the Moodle platform, they will be performed by students / as in weekly sessions of one hour, during the time spent on each block.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

The updated bibliography of this subject can be consulted through the web page of the library:

• Pleite Guerra, Jorge. Electrónica analógica para ingenieros [recurso electrónico] /Jorge Pleite Guerra, Ricardo Vergaz Benito, José Manuel Ruiz de Marcos. - 1ª edición Aravaca (Madrid): McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, 2009.

• Bueno Martín, Ángel. Componentes electrónicos: test de autoevaluación / Ángel Bueno Martín, Ana I. de Soto Gorroño, Oliver Bueno de Soto. - 1ªedición Barcelona: Marcombo,  [2009].

• Bueno Martín, Ángel. Circuitos e instrumentos electrónicos: test de autoevaluación. Tomo 2 / Ángel Bueno Martín, Ana I. de Soto Gorroño, Oliver Bueno de Soto. - 1ªedición Barcelona: Marcombo, 2009.

• Jaeger, Richard C. Diseño de circuitos microelectrónicos / Richard J. Jaeger, Travis N. Blalock; traducción, Gabriel Nagore Cazares; revisión técnica: Ahmed Zekkour, Luis Mauro Ortega González. 1ªedición México: McGraw-Hill, cop. 2005.

• Carretero Montero, Alfonso. Electrónica/Alfonso Carretero Montero. - 1ªedición Editex; Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, 2009.

• Espí López, José. Problemas de análisis y diseño en electrónica analógica / J. Espí. 1ªedición Burjassot: Moliner-40, 2002.

• González de la Rosa, Juan José. Circuitos electrónicos con amplificadores operacionales: Problemas, fundamentos teóricos y técnicas de identificación y análisis / Juan José González de la Rosa Barcelona: Marcombo, D.L. 2001.

• Sarabia Blasco, J. Amplificadores operacionales. Estructuras y montajes básicos / [autores del texto: J. Sarabia Blasco y M.A. Milla Mayor]. - 1ª edición Barcelona: Edebé, 1994.

• Sarabia Blasco, J. Amplificadores operacionales: circuitos de aplicación / J. Sarabia, M. A. Milla. - 1ªedición Barcelona: Edebé, D.L. 1994.

• Rutkowski, George B. Electrónica analógica de estado sólido / Gorge B. Rutkowski, Gerome E. Oleksy. 1ªedición Madrid: Paraninfo, 1994.

• Circuitos electrónicos: discretos e integrados / Donald L. Schilling [et al.]. - 3a.ed. Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, D.L.1994.

• Malvino, Albert Paul. Principios de electrónica / Albert Paul Malvino; traducción Carlos M. Sánchez Trujillo [et al.]. 4a ed. rev. Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1993.

• Cuesta García, Luis Miguel. Electrónica analógica: análisis de circuitos, amplificación, sistemas de alimentación / Luis Miguel Cuesta García Antonio José Gil Padilla, Fernando Remiro Domínguez. - [1a. ed. en español] Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, D.L. 1995.

• Gil Padilla, Antonio J. Electrónica general. Vol. 2, Dispositivos básicos y analógicos / Antonio J. Gil Padilla. 1ª edición Madrid: McGraw-Hill, 1995.


Additional material:
Any additional material (class notes, practice scripts, problems, software and links of interest (as well as any other material considered opportune) will be available via Moodle.